Rate It Green is a peer-review directory, resource, and network for sharing green building information. Our goal is to facilitate conversations to support further industry growth, help increase industry confidence and openness, and to offer a place for community building.
About Rate It Green
Rate It Green (www.rateitgreen.com) is a directory and network for the green building industry. Rate It Green helps individuals and companies find green building products and services, while also helping product manufacturers and service providers build their reputations and reach new clients. Rate It Green welcomes all green builders and green building companies, and for both residential and commercial projects. Individual Membership and Basic Company Listings are free of charge.
Allison Friedman created Rate It Green after working to green a renovation project in 2005. At the time, it was difficult to find quality and credible information. Allison witnessed people and organizations giving up on sustainable building simply because they did not have the information to choose the right product or vendor for the job. Similarly, she spoke with manufacturers and service providers who were not sure how to generate “real” information potential clients could trust and believe in.
The bottleneck caused by insufficient information and conversation was the inspiration for Rate It Green. Allison wanted to talk to other people who had “been there” and had worked with these products, services, and companies, and she wanted to share information and recommendations, so everyone in the industry could benefit, together. She also felt there should be a trusted resource where manufacturers and service providers could post information and ask for critical feedback.
Rate It Green’s mission is to promote green building by working to build the largest and most inclusive green building resource possible and, through a focus on client reviews and testimonials, to serve as a trusted and reliable source of industry information. Everyone interested in green building is welcome to browse, or join the community and become an active participant.
Rate It Green will be as strong and robust as the site’s user community makes this resource, through investments of time and energy, and also through companies funding the improvements they wish to see. We look forward to growing this resource with your participation and support.
What questions do Rate It Green Members want to explore?
Rate It Green members appreciate and are excited by great design and exceptional products. We also share a concern about the health of our planet. Current building trends in energy and resource consumption are simply not sustainable. We believe that we can and should do better. Questions our members want to explore include:
- Which green solutions are superior, and which need improvement?
- Which products are manufactured more responsibly?
- Which products are the easiest and safest to install and use?
- Which products can be recycled or reclaimed efficiently?
- Which service providers come highly recommended?
- Which products and services are the most cost effective?
In sum, what do people shopping for more sustainable products need to know? And, how can we each do our part to increase the momentum of the green building movement, as well as help manufacturers and service providers know what they can do better?
How can I get involved? How can my company get involved?
There are many ways to get involved and to support the Rate It Green community. While sponsorship and advertising are greatly appreciated, the fact is that many forms of participation are free of charge. Top ways individuals can get involved include:
- Registering and becoming a Community Member
- Posting ratings/testimonials about products and services you have worked with
- Asking and answering questions in our Discussions and Groups
- Telling friends and colleagues about Rate It Green!
- Sharing your expertise, and becoming an Advisory Member (moderating forums, answering member questions, etc.)
- Send us feedback and suggestions any time!
Companies can also support Rate It Green in a variety of ways:
- Registering and creating a company profile
- Adding products and services in the directory/database
- Inviting clients to provide ratings/testimonials for your company
- Encouraging other companies and colleagues to get involved
- Rate/Review other companies you have worked with
- Become an active in Discussions and Groups
- Become active as Individual as well as Corporate Members
- Share your company's expertise in some way (comments, feedback, side moderation, and beyond!)
Together we can make better design and purchasing decisions. We invite you to join our community and help us all buy green products and services more confidently. Thank you for your interest in Rate It Green. Are you interested in exploring Sponsorship or Marketing opportunities with Rate It Green? Contact us at marketing@rateitgreen.com or call Allison Friedman at (617) 686-8977.