
    475 WEBINAR – Intelligent Daylighting: Design Without Sacrificing Performance (12/15 @ 1 pm EST)

  • 15 Dec 2016
Event Description

In this presentation 475 High Performance Building Supply will cover focused solutions for windows and roof daylighting, and lay out design considerations commercial or residential, flat or pitched roof, light tube, curtain wall systems, historic preservation retrofits and more. Proper integration and design decisions result in roof daylighting that addresses energy, light, health, ventilation, comfort, and overall wellness of both occupants and the longevity of the building envelope.

Daylighting elements and architectural roof glass are striking and desirable building features that historically come at a high cost – leaks, energy loss, thermal discomfort, and condensation issues. Next generation glazing is addressing these issues and developing roof glass elements, hidden daylighting features, and aesthetically-focused window systems designed to be thermal-bridge-free, and suitable for high performance and Passive House envelope needs. Fenestration of all kinds requires special attention, but is especially important in high performance buildings, where they are fulfilling more occupant needs. the challenge is meeting both the aesthetic and performance demands of the building envelope. Potential for thermal bridging, overheating, cold air convective currents and air or water leaks can dampen or destroy the gains of free daylight and visual comfort.


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