Green Building Community
All Dutch trains now run 100% on wind power
Posted by: Kalyani.rc // Passive House / Sustainability Enthusiast

Electric trains have always been a relatively sustainable mode of transport, with much lower emissions than cars, but as of the 1st of January, 2017, all electric train rides in the Netherlands have become even greener. They are now entirely powered by clean, renewable, wind energy.
Dutch railway companies, of which NS is by far the largest, teamed up with energy company Eneco in 2015 to cut train ride emissions drastically. Originally, 2018 was set as the target for changing to 100% renewable power sources. After having reached 75% in 2016, the 100% transition was completed one year ahead of schedule.
The early completion of several wind farm projects in the Netherlands, Belgium and Finland enabled the early transition of Dutch public transport trains to 100 percent renewable energy.
Checkout the complete article here:
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