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Apple Inc. Announces Two New Programs to Create Renewable Energy in China

NSchepis MA, United States 0 Ratings 13 Discussions 10 Group posts

Posted by: NSchepis // Student at Bridgewater State

Apple has already completed 40 megawatts of solar projects in the Sichuan Province. This already produces more electricity than that used by all of Apple’s offices and retail stores in China, making the company carbon neutral in China. On October 22nd Apple announced two new programs to reduce the carbon footprint of its manufacturing partners in China. These programs will avoid over 20 million metric tons of greenhouse gas pollution between now and 2020. This is equivalent to taking away 4 million passenger vehicles for one year.

First, Apple is significantly increasing investments towards clean-energy in China. The company plans to build more than 200 megawatts of solar projects in the northern, eastern and southern grid regions of China. The energy that will be produced is equivalent to the amount of energy used by more than 265,000 Chinese homes every year. This will begin to offset the energy that Apple uses in its supply chain. Second, Apple is adding a new initiative that will push its manufacturing partners to become more energy efficient and use clean energy. The company will partner with suppliers in China to install more than 2 gigawatts of clean energy. The initiative also provides guidance and information to suppliers by sharing best practices in producing clean energy, being more energy efficient, and building renewable energy projects.

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple says, “The transition to a new green economy requires innovation, ambition and purpose. We believe passionately in leaving the world better than we found it and hope that many other suppliers, partners and other companies join us in this important effort.”



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