
    BUILD UPON2 Virtual Summit by World Green Building Council, September 20

  • 20 September 2021
  • Start time : 08:00 AM
  • End time : 11:30 AM
  • Event Host : World Green Building Council (World GBC)
BUILD UPON2 Virtual Summit
Event Description

As a flagship event on the first day of World Green Building Week 2021, the Build UPON2 Summit will bring together hundreds of leaders from industry, public sector and civil society in an online conference. The central theme is how leaders can work together to deliver the EU Renovation Wave and the EU Green Deal.

Throughout the event we will profile the work of the BUILD UPON2 project to empower cities as key enablers of the Renovation Wave through a unique impact framework for quantifying the holistic benefits of building renovation.

Finally, the Summit will provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and inspiration on how public and private sector actors alike can scale up efforts to address the monumental challenge ahead to deliver the Renovation Wave.

We are inviting a high-level panel of speakers for two moderated plenary sessions that will focus on the wider issue of building renovation, and the role of cities, respectively. Between these sessions there will be thematic streams centred around key issues that connect with the challenge of renovating Europe’s building stock, such as resilience and the crucial importance of quality data.

The Summit will have a virtual conference format using interactive tools to foster community building and networking amongst attendees. It follows the highly successful first BUILD UPON2 summit in December 2019 in Brussels, which brought together over 170 stakeholders from across the value chain.

We look forward to welcoming you!

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The BUILD UPON project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 840926. The sole responsibility for the content of this event lies with the organisers. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EASME nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • World Green Building Council (World GBC)
  • Cost
    • FREE Event
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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