
    DEAWP presents: “Passive House Revolution” - November 7, 7 -9 pm - Pittsburgh

  • 07 Nov 2016
Event Description

DEAWP presents: “Passive House Revolution”
November 7, 7- 9 pm

CCI Center
64 South 14th Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15203

Join the Diagnostic Energy Auditors of Western Pennsylvania for a showing of “Passive House Revolution”

What if we could create and retrofit buildings that will use 80 to 90 percent less energy for heating and cooling? And, what if at the same time we could cut their greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80 percent – the amount scientists say we must cut all emissions before 2050 in order to avoid catastrophic climate change? And, what if we could do these things right now?

The film, “Passive House Revolution”, shows that this intriguing scenario is not only possible but actually starting to unfold. This film follows leading-edge architects, builders and homeowners as they bring the Passive House method of building to the United States.

Join DEAWP on Monday, November 7 at their monthly meeting for a screening of “Passive House Revolution”, produced by Community Solutions in Yellow Springs, Ohio.

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