
    Designing with Our Ears: A Talk with Julian Treasure - March 16, 6 - 8 pm, San Francisco, USGBC Northern California

  • 16 Mar 2016
Event Description

Designing with Our Ears: A Talk with Julian Treasure
Wednesday, March 16, 2016 6 - 8 PM
USGBC Northern California
San Francisco

The sound around us affects our wellbeing, effectiveness and happiness. World renowned sound expert and multiple TED speaker Julian Treasure reveals exactly how sound affects people and shows how we can design offices, schools and hospitals where sound has positive rather than negative consequences.

About the Speaker
Julian TreasureJulian Treasure is founder and chairman of The Sound Agency, a UK-based audio branding consultancy that asks and answers the question: “How does your brand sound?”. Julian’s book Sound Business is the seminal work on creating intentional, effective business sound; he is regularly featured as a sound and communication expert in the world’s radio, print and web media, including TIME Magazine, The Economist and The Times.

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