Green Building Community
Living Green Effortlessly: Simple Choices for a Better Home
Posted by: Marla // Green Home Coach

Our homes are our refuge. It’s the place where life happens; all the little stuff that happens every day. Where we wake up and smell the coffee, scratch the dog’s tummy and all the other little actions that make our houses home.
But our homes have a secret life. With all the complexity of our modern life, many of us unknowingly may be living in a home that is not in our best interest. It may be something big like lead paint or mold or huge utility bills. But chances are, it’s the small stuff. The leaky toilet, the rug we bought last weekend or the cleaners we are using.
That’s exactly why I wrote my book. To help you know about and change the small stuff. And the big stuff. And to help you share this with family, friends, clients and colleagues.
If you haven’t read my book yet, I invite you to. You can order it on Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Or get in touch with me and I will send you one of my loaner copies. I 'd love your review on Amazon or Barnes & Noble and for you to share the book with others.
I am on a mission to help each of us have better lives in better homes. The cool thing is that not only benefits you and your family, it helps our communities and ultimately makes the world a better place. Seriously. If each of us just takes 5 actions to save water, energy or stuff in our homes, we can change the world. We are the change.
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