
    'Loma Larga Granja Solar' A New Twist in Solar Development, February 11, 7 pm - BASEA Forum

  • 11 Feb 2016
Event Description

'Loma Larga Granja Solar'
A New Twist in Solar Development

Boston Area Solar Energy Association (BASEA) Forum:
Thursday, Feb. 11th, 2016

First Parish in Cambridge Unitarian Universalist; 3 Church Street, Harvard Square
Doors open at 7:00 p.m.; Presentation begins at 7:30 p.m

In the south of El Salvador, a new idea is sprouting, with roots in the Boston area. Jose Aleman will present a development project seeking input, investment and connections to the Boston Area solar and academic communities, as well as the support and involvement of our local Salvadoran immigrant community. His team is well positioned to secure a government contract for their 5 megawatt PV project called 'Loma Larga Granja Solar' (english: 'Long Hill Solar Farm').

Their approach is unique, community-based, and quite possibly a new model for distributed energy development. It opens up opportunities for many smaller contributors and contrasts with previous projects in El Salvador, heretofore dominated by large corporate and monied interests.

'Loma Larga' is an innovative work-in-progress and the principals invite our consideration and input. Diverse approaches (Power Purchase Agreements, the Solarize Mass program, community solar via virtual net metering) have been key drivers in the flourishing of solar in Massachusetts from 3MW in 2007 to nearly 1,000 MW today. Here is an opportunity to have a first look at a new idea - the Loma Larga approach - at the February 11th Boston Area Solar Energy Association Forum.

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