Green Building Community

The US Green Building Council releases profiles of Local Climate Leaders Circle that are participating in International Climate Talks, COP21 in Paris

Stella Ng'oma 0 Ratings 4 Discussions 2 Group posts

Posted by: Stella Ng'oma // Green building enthusiast

Profiles of the Local Climate Leaders circle comprising of 9 Mayors of Atlanta, Boulder, Chula Vista, Des Moines, Grand Rapids, Oakland, Pittsburgh, Salt Lake City, and West Palm Beach, and council members from Santa Monica and King County in Washington has been released by USGBC. The leaders are currently participating in the International Climate Talks in Paris, COP21.
The cities represented keep inventory of greenhouse gas emission, develop climate action plans and report progress. The profiles highlight current emissions, commitment by the cities’ to reduce emission, achievements to date and action plans to reach their targets.

To access the profiles:



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