
    Building Vibrance - Improving Quality of Life through the Built Environment in Virginia, April 23, Richmond, Virginia

  • 23 April 2025
  • Start time : 01:00 PM
  • End time : 05:00 PM
  • Event Host : USGBC
VA: Building Vibrance - Improving Quality of Life through the Built Environment in Virginia
Event Description

By improving health, well-being, and equity for building occupants and their communities, making spaces not just environmentally friendly but also people friendly, USGBC aims to improve quality of life through green building. As a key impact area of LEED v5, USGBC is putting quality of life at the forefront of green building projects and elevating long standing best practices. 

The intersections of health and equity are driving forces in green building, including: 

  • A just and clean supply chain 
  • Safe and healthy project sites 
  • Integrative design approach 
  • Advancing health and opportunities for surrounding communities  

Join USGBC Virginia for a transformative experience as we gather in Richmond, Virginia to explore the dynamic intersection of health, wellness, and green building. USGBC Virginia will join forces with local partners and experts to discuss holistic solutions and explore USGBC tools and resources in support of human health and equity.  

USGBC’s Building Transformation Forums convene industry leaders, practitioners, and sustainability professionals to learn and engage around specific, locally relevant topics. Built around growing connections and green building education, forum models adapt to meet audience needs and inspire action.

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • USGBC
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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