Green Building Community
Webinar: Sam Batchelor of designLAB Architects and Jessica Schultz of Hitchcock Center for the Environment (Recorded: Content Available 24/7)
Posted by: Richard Minasian // Student

Recorded Webinar: Sam Batchelor of designLAB Architects and Jessica Schultz of Hitchcock Center for the Environment
Recorded: July 8, 2019
Speakers: Anastasia Barnes, Jessica Shultz & Sam Batchelor
Curious to learn more about how the Hitchcock Center’s Living Building is used as an advocacy tool for social and environmental change? Check out designLAB Architect Sam Batchelor and Hitchcock Living Building Coordinator Jessica Schultz on the Build Better Podcast as they talk about what it means to construct and teach from a Living Building.
A living building is built to mimic natural processes with the intent of improving the surrounding environment. A building that achieves Living Certification must meet the performance requirements of seven “Petals” or categories: Place, Water, Energy, Health & Happiness, Materials, Equity, and Beauty.
In Episode #11 of the Build Better podcast, Anastasia chats with Sam Batchelor of designLAB Architects and Jessica Schultz of the Hitchcock Center for the Environment to discuss the Hitchcock Center's recent global recognition as the 23rd building in the world and the 4th in Massachusetts. They detail how the Hitchcock center achieved the certification and how they are both educating people on the importance of building sustainably.
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