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As climate change accelerates, floating cities look like less of a pipe dream

Kalyani.rc 0 Ratings 29 Discussions 14 Group posts

Posted by: Kalyani.rc // Passive House / Sustainability Enthusiast

As climate change accelerates, floating cities look like less of a pipe dream

Out of the box thinking - Noah’s Ark for an era of melting polar ice sheets

An audacious plan to respond to climate change by building a city of floating islands in the South Pacific is moving forward, with the government of French Polynesia agreeing to consider hosting the islands in a tropical lagoon.

The project is being put forward by a California nonprofit, the Seasteading Institute, which has raised about $2.5 million from more than 1,000 interested donors. The work on the project could start in French Polynesia as early as next year, pending the results of some environmental and economic feasibility studies.

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