
    ASES Solar 2019, August 5, Minneapolis, MN

  • 5 August 2019 To 9 August 2019
  • Event Host : American Solar Energy Society
  • Event Location : The Crowne Plaza AiRE, 3 Appletree Square, Bloomington, MN, 55425, United States
Event Description

Midweast Renewable Energy Association (MREA) partners with the American Solar Energy Society in the race against time to take urgent climate action. Join at the conference, and attend one of our workshops. This ASES solar event addresses the urgent need to supply 100% of America’s electricity with renewable energy, and how to make it a reality. 

As attendees at the SOLAR 2018 ASES conference heard, we need to decarbonize our economy by the middle of THIS century in order to have any chance of constraining the global temperature increase to less than 2 °C, which in itself will be disruptive to humankind.

ASES represents the scientists, educators, and activists who can provide renewable energy technologies and solutions for climate action in the United States that will have an impact within the next five years.  The ASES SOLAR 2019 Conference will focus on those strategies.

The door for impacting climate change is rapidly closing.  ASES intends to be a loud voice to follow the lead of states and cities across the country to decarbonize the nation’s electricity supply and make an impact while that door is still open.  We are in a race against time, and ASES believe we can win that race.

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • American Solar Energy Society
  • Event type
    • Conference

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