Green Building Community
California Aims for 100% Carbon-Free Electricity by 2045
Posted by: Aditya

California would shift to 100 percent carbon-free electricity by 2045 under a legislation passed by the state Assembly. The bill awaits a second approval from the Senate and Governor Jerry Brown's signature. Climate change has had drastic effects on California with raging wildfires, droughts, heat waves and floods. Currently, 29 percent of California's power comes from renewables and 24 percent from hydropower and nuclear. A decade ago, only 11 percent of its power came from renewable energy. California has already committed to obtain 50 percent of its electricity from wind, solar and geothermal power by 2030. This legislation would increase the 2030 commitment to 60 percent, on the way to fully carbon-free electricity by 2045. California would not be the first state to commit to carbon-free electricity; Hawaii set a 100 percent renewable energy goal in 2015. Stanford University professor Mark Jacobson calls it a "Victory for humankind and science-based 100 percent roadmaps". This commitment will also help California meet its goals of putting 1.5 million zero-emission vehicles on its roads by 2025, and 5 million by 2030. Time for other states to follow suit? For details please visit: 1.) 2.)
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