Green Building Community
Clear Drop - Plastic Recycling for Bags and Other Hard to Recycle Items
Posted by: Rate It Green Team
Pretty soon, there’s going to be an easy way to everyone to recycle or really “pre-recycle” those loose fluffy or crinkly plastic items you never really quite knew how to recycle, or what to do with. Clear Drop has created a Soft Plastic Compactor that looks like the average trash can but transforms pesty and potentially confusing plastic items into a 12x8x4 inch approximately 3-pound brick. Each brick is made up of about a month’s worth of the average home’s plastic bags, trays, even plastic wrappers.
Check out this brief interview with Green Builder Matt Hoots of Atlanta-based Sawhorse, Inc, and Ivan Abrouzov, CEO of Clear Drop, LLC. A goal of Clear Drop is to make recycling easy and a non-obtrusive part of daily life so that everyone can participate in waste reduction, and even a “ZeroTrash” goal. Soft plastics compacting also has great commercial potential; Matt points out that food and medical buildings might be able to make great use of this product.
Whether you just want your trash to go away, or you’re looking to recycle those last few things you could never figure out, the company’s Soft Plastic Compactor makes it pretty and even fun to get the recycling ready. Putting loose plastics into this device sure beats bags piling up in trees or on the side of the road, or realistically just ending up in the trash and landfill.
These plastics will likely require chemical or advanced recycling as they aren’t separated, but there’s a reality of how much separating people are willing to do, and can even realistically do. A key to success - Clear Drop Recycling recognizes we have to make it easy as we all have different motivations and interest levels for recycling. The company can make it easy for excited recyclers and people who just want less hassle at the same time.
Clear Drop plans to launch the Soft Plastics Compactor shortly, and the company is currently lining up recyclers - and pre-orders. Stay tuned for more information!
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