Green Building Community
FREE COURSE: Be Cool: How Designers Can Improve Thermal Comfort with HVLS Fans
Posted by: GreenCE Sustainable Design and Construction // Sustainable Content Creator at GreenCE

Be Cool: How Designers Can Improve Thermal Comfort with HVLS Fans
Free online course sponsored by MacroAir
1 AAA Core Learning PDH / AIA HSW/LU CE Hour / 1 AIBD CE Hour / 1 GBCI General Hour for LEED Professionals / 1 GBCI LEED Specific BD+C / 1 IDCEC CEU / 1 OAA Structured Learning Hour / 1 RCEP PDH for Engineers / 1 SAA Core Learning Hour
In this one-hour presentation, we explore how HVLS fans can contribute to LEED v4, increase thermal comfort, and provide a silent and elegant design strategy. We discuss how to save energy and improve indoor air quality for building occupants. The course reviews how computational fluid dynamics helps to measure airflow performance for energy savings. Finally, our team examines how HVLS fans benefited Los Angeles’s largest indoor climbing facility.
Take the course here:
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