
    Free Webinar: The Latest Science on WUI Fires and the Built Environment, November 6, 12 pm EST

  • 6 November 2023
  • Start time : 12:00 PM
  • End time : 01:00 PM
  • Event Host : GreenCE Sustainable Design Education
wildfire, built environment, indoor air quality, resilience
Event Description

What is the impact of wildfires in the wildland urban interface (WUI) on the indoor environment? Empowered with the stewardship of occupant health, safety and welfare, building and design professionals need an understanding of the impact of wildfires on the built environment to navigate the needs of modern buildings. Our buildings and infrastructure must be resilient enough to protect the safety of the people inside, while responding to site-specific needs and challenges. This session is building on new research findings regarding materials, chain-of-custody and a new case study. Climate change and extreme weather continue to intensify the risk and severity of wildfires. The WUI, where the built environment meets the natural environment, is critical to protect. This area has expanded significantly over the last twenty years, making it the fastest growing land use type in the continental U.S. The vast majority of new WUI areas are caused by development – communities that are at risk because of their siting within the WUI. Consideration must be given to protecting the health and safety of building occupants as well as managing the impact of our structures on the health of our natural resources. Experts on fire risk, chemical safety, air quality, materials, research-based solutions and applications will guide the attendees through science-based observations and research. Attendees will be navigated through decision-making regarding fire risk, indoor air implications, material selections and remediation through a first-hand experience case study of the Marshall Fire’s impact on a residence in Colorado. Our panel discussion focuses on storytelling the science and equips attendees with the knowledge to take action in discussions with clients and in their day-to-day practice. Attendees will be empowered to make the case for prioritizing resilience and understand their increasing impact on resilient design, material selection and healthy indoor air quality.

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • GreenCE Sustainable Design Education
  • Cost
    • FREE Event
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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