Green Building Community
Introduction to Wave Energy
Posted by: Higgins_James // Student
As new technologies in the renewable energy sector continue to emerge, a big promise for the future may be Wave Energy. Wave energy is harnessed through converters and electricity generators that are installed and and can be placed at any depth of the ocean, on the surface and at the bottom. The natural movement of the ocean’s waves creates an output of energy that can be captured. The amount of energy produced is based on wavelength, wave height, and wave speed, along with water density. Today there are a limited number of projects, but wave energy has endless capabilities. At the University of California research facility, scientists and researchers are looking into the potential of wave energy, they say that the waves that crash along the pacific coast are so powerful they produce enough energy to light up 50 million homes. Potential for wave energy is huge, especially for coastal cities with high population rates. Government funding and investors aren't taking wave power lightly, the Department of Energy has allotted more than $2.5 million to researchers with the most promising new technology in wave energy. In the next ten years we could potentially see an equal amount of wave powered projects as compared to the number of wind projects seen today.
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