Green Building Community
Job Postings for Rate It Green Member, Power n Sun
Posted by: AbbieKnight

About the Company:
Power n Sun is an Engineering, Procurement & Solar Project Management Company operating throughout Middle East, South Asia, Burkina Faso, Camaroon, Djibouti, Somalia, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethopia, Malawi, Zambia and South Africa. As a B2B and B2C e-commerce platform, they are also one of the vital distributor of all kinds of solar power energy products for every small and medium distributor in Middle East, South Asia and Africa.
Positions Available:
- Solar Engineer
- Location: Dubai
- Skills needed:
- Experience in sizing and designing solar solutions for on grid, off grid and hybrid solar systems.
- Experience in SMA, Sungrow, Ingeteam inverters and knowledge of Pv syst, homer and other Solar system design software is must.
- Logistics Professional
- Location: Dubai
- Skills needed:
- International logistics, inventory planning and management, Order processing, dispatch management local, by sea and by air.
- E-commerce Professional
- Location: India
To learn more about the job listings and to apply:
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