Green Building Community
Massachusetts Could be Leader in Making a Fossil Fuel Free United States - The Solutions Project
Posted by: NSchepis // Student at Bridgewater State
If the world is to prevent a global catastrophe some important things need to happen. Most importantly we need to stop using fossil fuels. All of the known remaining fossil fuel reserves should stay in the ground. Furthermore, the world needs to switch completely to renewable energy sources by 2050. If we do not focus on these main principles there is no way that we are going to keep the Earth’s average global temperature from rising 2˚ Celsius. Achieving a world without the use of fossil fuels is possible with existing technologies. Contrary to what some people believe we are not waiting on some incredible breakthrough in technology, we have what it takes. What we do need is a commitment of world leaders, advocates, policymakers, and scientists.
An organization known as The Solutions Project has outlined a plan to create a fossil free United States. Massachusetts has a chance to be a leader in this commitment. There are no significant oil or gas deposits in New England. But what does Massachusetts have? Plenty of sunlight, wind, and water. This could pave the way for a zero-emission economy. A transition from a fossil fuel driven economy to a renewable energy powered economy, combined with improvements in the energy efficiency of buildings and vehicles could result in a 40% reduction in energy damage.
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