Green Building Community

Million Cool Roof Challenge (Solar Reflective Roofs)

K-CEP 0 Ratings 1 Discussions 0 Group posts

Posted by: K-CEP // Initiative to Support the Kigali Amendment goals to reduce the HFC gases impact on the climate

Million Cool Roof Challenge (Solar Reflective Roofs) - 1

The Million Cool Roofs Challenge is a $2 million global competition to rapidly scale up the deployment of highly solar-reflective “cool” roofs in developing countries suffering heat stress and lacking widespread access to cooling services.

The Challenge will award $100,000 grants to up to ten teams this year to deploy solar reflective coating and/or materials in an eligible country between August 2019 and December 2020. From there, $1 million will be awarded in 2021 to the team that has demonstrated the best sustainable and transferable model for rapid deployment of cool roofs in an eligible country and best meets the judging criteria. Materials should also meet minimum performance standards and be applied to roofs of buildings regularly occupied by people.



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