Green Building Community
Overview of the USGBC’s Living Standard Research Report
Posted by: GreenCE Sustainable Design and Construction // Sustainable Content Creator at GreenCE

In November 2018, at the Greenbuild International Conference, the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) announced their plans for creating a new living standard. The USGBC’s President and CEO, Mahesh Ramanujam, said in the announcement, “In the past, we have delivered on our promises of certifications, signifying high quality spaces in which we can live and work…Now, by harnessing the power of our partnerships with companies and organizations the world over, we will explore creating a new campaign—a Living Standard that indicates that an environment is healthy and safe for all who inhabit it—from buildings, to communities, to cities, to entire nations. Because a higher Living Standard is what every person on the planet deserves.”
Ramanujam then said in the recent release of the Living Standard that the campaign started as a research initiative with two main goals: to better understand the disconnect between the story of green building and the average American, and to learn whether telling a better story could provide the sense of urgency needed to improve every human being’s quality of life.
Have you read the recently released USGBC's Living Standard Research Report? What are your thoughts? Finish reading this blog post at: and share your thoughts.
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