
    Pro Tour: Net Zero Ready Affordable Housing Community in Dennis, MA - May 6, 1-5 pm

  • 06 May 2016
Event Description

Join NESEA for a Pro Tour of a Net Zero ready Affordable Housing Community in Dennis, MA

Friday, May 6, 2016 - 1- 5pm
Dennis, MA
CEUs: 2.5 AIA LU/HSW, pending approval
Cost: $25 for NESEA Members, $35 for Non-members

This Pro Tour will take attendees to the Melpet Farm Residences, a recently completed affordable housing community in Dennis, MA. These homes were built to near net zero standards despite the intensely regulated pricing of affordable housing units. By investing in high-performance materials, the project team behind the Melpet Farm Residences designed them so that they will use nearly 60% less energy than code compliance demands, and incorporated features to keep the energy use low over time (including a PV system on each roof that offsets energy costs by ~72%).

Project Details

Newly constructed complex, completed in December 2015
30,000 sq.ft. across nine buildings (eight new residences & one management/office)
Triple pane windows
2 x 6 walls with taped Zipwall and two inches of rigid insulation on the exterior
Electric heating, cooling and DHW
Photovoltaics, generating 72% energy offset
HERS Index: 60

2016 Pro Tour Sponsors:


Event Sponsors:

Delphi Construction Inc.
Brown Lindquist Fenuccio & Raber Architects, Inc.
G & V Consulting Engineers

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