Green Building Community

Plaex Building Systems, Inc. - Modular, Durable Construction Blocks with over 90% Recycled Materials

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Green Builder Matt Hoots of Sawhorse, Inc. recently spoke with Matt Durnnian of Plaex Building Systems, Inc at the International Building Show (IBS), and really we kept thinking, "All Building and Building Products Should be this Fun.”  As Matt says, it’s like Legos for adults! 


Plaex Building Systems has created durable and load-bearing modular construction blocks that don’t require cutting or mortar, saving time and materials, including through waste reduction.  Made of over 90% recycled materials, the blocks also take waste out of the waste stream and put it to good use.  Plaex products can be used for retaining walls, floor walls, for foundations and sheds, and for wall systems.  Interestingly and impressively, these materials can continue to be reused and repurposed in future projects. 


As Matt Durnnian shares, Plaex compsosites are versatile and can be molded into a variety of forms. The company currently makes PLAEX-Crete composite which can be used for a number of applications, including pavers, as well as two interlockng products, including the LinX system for landscaping and the Brick&Panel system for a range of wall applications.


Plaex products look like building aggregates as they’re made from construction and demolition aggregates such as plaster, concrete, brick, and/or glass that have been combined with difficult to recycle plastics, including 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 polymers.  The company works with large scale commercial recyclers to collect waste plastic and aggregates, primarily from marine and agricultural sources.  The companies save on tipping fees, and Plaex is able to turn this waste into a sustainable, versatile, lightweight and strong building material.  


Plaex composites have a concrete-like appearance and feel and have a neutral tan base, but the material can absorb dyes.  A red brick color is made by adding red iron oxide. Fly ash is used to create a darker color.  Many other colors are available, though these colors are fully recycles and natural.  Unlike concrete, Plaex’s interlocking blocks are not susceptible to freezing splitting, and cracking, like some building materials.     


Matt Durnnian notes that Plaex’s composites are “familiar” even as they break new ground.  This familiarity may help with adoption in an industry that can be resistant to change.  Plaex seems like a great example of a company that is providing win-wins to builders who can save labor and materials, and also reduce the environmental impact of a project through this material.  



To see more videos from the IBS show floor, check out Matt's IBS Playist.  



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