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Huber’s AdvanTech Subflooring Panels - Water Resistant, Dimensionally Stable, Solidly Designed

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In this video, builder and green building expert Matt Hoots shares his personal experience with Huber’s Advantech subflooring panels.  This is a product he has worked with for over 20 years and uses on the majority of his jobs, whether they are additions, subfloor repairs or a whole new house.  One reason for his confidence is that he left a piece out for over a year over ten years ago, and not that he recommends this, it hadn’t changed at all over the time period.  He’s also shows off a panel in this video that he left out for over six months.  

Advantech is is rated for up to 400 days outside.  It’s water resistant, dimensionally stable, and has a quality design.  Sheathing panels of different thickness can be used for walls and roofs in addition to flooring.  

Matt also connected with Nick from Huber at the International Builders and Kitchen and Bath Show.  Nick explains that Huber decided to reengineer the typical OSB to make it more sturdy regarding bending stiffness and nail withdrawal.  As to water resistance, they use a special resin that chemically bonds instead of physical bonding. This bonding particularly helps with water resistance - a storm can come through and it isn’t going to mess up the job.  Huber also offers a 500 day no-sand guarantee for AdvanTech. 

Nick also introduces AdvanTech’s subfloor adhesive - The company offers a 10 year “squeak-free” warrantee for Advantech Subflooring if used according to 4 requirements. The adhesive works well down to 20 degrees.     

What questions do you have about subflooring?  





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