Green Building Community
Webinar: Places Matter to Microbial Interactions (Recorded: Content Available 24/7)
Posted by: Richard Minasian // Student

Recorded Webinar: Places matter to microbial interactions
Recorded: May 21, 2020
Speaker: Dr. Jack Gilbert
Cost: Free
Explore strategies to manage the spread of infectious disease in buildings and communities
Eligible for 1.5 WELL-Specific CEs
The recent spread of COVID-19 has brought how we acquire and interact with microbiota, such as bacteria, fungi and viruses to the forefront of global conversations on health. Join author and Professor of Pediatrics and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego, Dr. Jack Gilbert, for a webcast discussion about recent advancements in microbial community research and strategies to manage the spread of infectious disease in buildings and communities.
Dr. Jack Gilbert’s areas of expertise include:
- Microbiology of the built environment
- Human microbiome and the immune system
- Wildlife-microbe interactions and pathologies
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