
    Susan Solomon - Climate Change and The Reasons for Climate Gridlock, Wednesday September 30, 5:45 pm

  • 30 Sep 2015
Event Description

Susan Solomon - Climate Change and The Reasons for Climate Gridlock
Wednesday, September 30, 2015, 5:45-8:45 pm
Where: Cuisine En Locale, 156 Highland Ave, Somerville, MA 02143

This talk aims to provide scientific information that can be useful for everyone who wants to better understand the dual challenges of the science of climate change, and why international agreement on climate change policy has proven particularly difficult.

Global increases of greenhouse gases arise from a mix of different countries, both developed and developing, with different current emissions,infrastructure capabilities and past commitments that are among the factors influencing policy discussions. Comparisons will be briefly drawn between the success of policy on ozone depletion (Montreal Protocol) versus the apparent gridlock on climate change, and the lessons that may thereby be learned.

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