Green Building Community
LEED Pilot to certify Cities and Communities
Posted by: Kalyani.rc // Passive House / Sustainability Enthusiast

Did you know that LEED doesn't just work for buildings, but it works for cities and communities too?
In addition to building certification, LEED also includes a certification pilot structured for cities to measure and improve performance, focusing on outcomes from ongoing sustainability efforts. This pilot leverages a globally consistent method of performance measurement for a streamlined and data-based pathway to LEED certification for cities.
In order to pursue LEED for Cities certification under the pilot rating system, city project teams must:
Register their city in Arc,
Complete all prerequisites,
Provide data to receive a Performance Score in Arc.
In order to generate a Performance Score, participants input data across five categories: Energy, Water, Waste, Transportation and Human Experience. Cities must earn all prerequisites and may provide additional information to achieve points to increase the Base Score, which contributes to the total Performance Score.
For more information on ARC, please visit:
To learn more about LEED for Cities and to watch the project registration video, please visit:
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