
    Solar Mysteries - Solved! Why do Some PV Systems Perform Better Than Others? April 11, 6:30 pm, BSA, Boston

  • 11 April 2017
  • Start time : 06:30 PM
  • End time : 08:00 PM
  • Event Location : 516 East Second Street, Unit 43, South Boston, MA, 02127, United States
Solar Mysteries - Solved!  Why do Some PV Systems Perform Better Than Others? April 11, 6:30 pm, BSA, Boston
Event Description

Solar Mysteries - Solved! Why do Some PV Systems Perform Better Than Others?
PH Mass April 11, 2017
6:30 to 8 PM @ BSA Boston
Luke McKneally, Architect and Passive House consultant

Some PV projects perform better than others despite similar parameters including wattage, orientation, tilt and equipment. Why?

Now we should all be familiar with the benefits that solar electricity can provide for us. It's time to work on optimizing each installation to make a lasting, high-performance impact.

This presentation is geared towards architects, solar installers, Passive House consultants, solar PB owners and interested parties.

Luke McKneally is a registered architect and Passive House consultant. He worked as a project manager for Solar Design Associates doing high performance solar projects and with New Ecology working on ultra-efficient and sustainable low-income multifamily projects.
Please RSVP (email) no later than Monday, April 10 if you are planning to attend.
Directions to Boston Society for Architects, 290 Congress Street, Suite 200, Boston, MA

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