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An Introduction to Aprilaire and Whole House Air Quality Systems (Video)

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Join green builder Matt Hoots as he interviews Joseph Hillenmeyer, Channel Marketing Manager for Aprilaire.  Joseph shares some company history as well as an overview of key issues related to whole-house filtration and humidity control. 

Aprilaire has been making Indoor Air Quality, or IAQ products since the 1950’s, when they invented one of the first effective whole-house humidifiers.  It would be nice and easy if healthy air solutions were one-size-fits-all, but these systems involve a complex set of attributes which must be managed properly, including proper filtration, ventilation to get fresh air in, and the need to control relative humidity.  Every home and every building is different, which means Aprilaire must work with the trades and consumers to ensure the correct product is selected and then properly installed, and operated. 

Aprilaire specializes in high efficiency filtration, with filters ranging from a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value, or MERV, of 11 to 16.  Filters that have a MERV rating of 13 and higher can trap smaller particles, including viruses, and have been generating more interest and demand as filtration awareness increases.  MERV measures the performance of a filter when facing particles  of .3 to 10 micrometers.  Higher MERV ratings mean that the filter is capturing a greater amount of particles with each pass, with a MERV filter capturing more than 95% of particles.  Aprilaire also offers electronic air cleaners.   

The company also offers both steam and evaporative humidification, and specializes in high capacity dehumidification as well, ducting systems when needed.  Evaporative humidification is older technology, but still effective.  Steam has benefits in that it can help with high amounts of humidity if needed for where there isn’t a forced hot air system or where more humidity is needed, such as in the case of a large footprint or if there is a particularly arid or cold climate. 

As for controls, Aprilaire is aware of the importance of consumer education and engagement.  The greater the interest an awareness, the better the opportunity for the system to ensure comfort and health, as the consumer can understand and more likely adjust their system as needed.  

Want to know more and take a deeper dive into the building science behind ventilation, filtration and humidification?  What are your top ventilation, filtration, humidity, or other air quality qustions - let us know, and let's keep the conversation going!

For more information, view our additional Aprilaire videos:

Reviewing the Top Benefits of Healthy #Air at #Home, with Aprilaire (Video)

Exploring Whole House Filtration and Particulate Matter, with Aprilaire (Video)




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