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SIEMENS VersiCharge Series - Universal Chargers for Electric Vehicles

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It’s great to see product evolution in what pretty much feels like real time.  Green Builder Matt Hoots caught up with Kristen Westwood of SIEMENS eMobility North America at the International Builders Show.  Kristen shared some helpful information about the SIEMENS universal Level II charger, and also reminded us of some exciting developments in EV charging.    

In this video, Kristen first introduces the residential VersiCharge AC series, which provides 11.5 kilwatts of power and is available in a 40 amp and 48 amp version.  So you’ll need a 50-60 amp breaker per charge.  Chargers can be wall or post mounted, and cable retraction is available.  And as Kristen makes clear (it sounds like she gets this question often), yes, it can charge a Tesla, too, through Tesla’s adapter.   

The commercial series comes with RFID management, which makes payment and billing possible.  The typical charge will be 3-5 hours, depending on the vehicle and unit parameters.  

Matt is currently working on the #1920sMakeoverATL Deep Energy Retrofit Showhouse in the Ansley Park area of Atlanta.  As he points out, Passive Houses have to be all-electric and EV ready.  (As every new home should be, in our opinion, since what we don’t spend now will cost more to retrofit later.)      

SIEMENS offers a full line of chargers, including a DC unit for fast charging, which ranges from 50-175 kilowatts. Heavy charging is also available for buses and for large transit.

Matt asked a question likely on many people’s minds about when cars are going to be able to charge our homes or provide back up power.  While this technology is still emerging in terms of the overall market, Kristen shared that SIEMENS collaborated on the Charge Station Pro Charger project (production begins in the spring of 2022), developing a custom EV charger for the Ford 150.  The Ford 150’s 80 amp lightning charger is bidirectional and will indeed provide power through an inverter, and can even tie into solar panels.  The vehicle will be able to provide back up power and charge a home for up to 3 or even 10 days.  This technology will deliver some impressive win wins in terms of both sustainability and reliability.  


To learn more about the VersiCharge series, visit: 




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