Green Building Community
FREE COURSE: FSC-Certified Wood in Construction and Green Building
Posted by: GreenCE Sustainable Design and Construction // Sustainable Content Creator at GreenCE

FREE COURSE: FSC-Certified Wood in Construction and Green Building
1 AAA Structured Learning Hour / 1 AIA HSW/LU CE Hour / 1 AIBD CE Hour / 1 GBCI General Hour for LEED Professionals / 1 OAA Structured Learning Hour / 1 SAA Core Learning Hour /
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification has been a leading driver of global forest conservation since 1994, and the green building movement is a cornerstone of its success. The US Green Building Council's LEED rating system and the designers, specifiers and buildings who apply LEED standards play a critical role, as doing so rewards and promotes forest conservation. Other FSC market drivers, such as Living Building Challenge, regional green building programs, and high volume purchasing by major retailers all work together to expand the marketplace and make finding FSC building products easier. Through this one-hour course, you will learn why FSC products are a crucial conservation tool, how they integrate with broader green building standards, and how to identify, procure and properly document them to earn credit in green building programs.
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