Green Building Community
The First LEED Platinum certified Ice Arena
Posted by: AbbieKnight

Bentley University, located in Waltham, Massachusetts, has recently opened a new LEED certified multipurpose arena; making it the first ice arena to earn the LEED platinum certification. The 76,000 square foot building sets a great example of sustainable design and energy efficiency. Some of its sustainable features include:
- 1,400 solar panels on the roof, providing the building with 40% of its annual electricity.
- High efficiency LED lighting
-An efficient water-saving bathroom fixtures, which help to use about 48% less water than typical buildings of the same size
- An outdoor plaza that is built with permeable pavers to reduce storm water runoff and encourage infiltration into the adjacent wetlands
-Preferred parking spots for electric and fuel-efficient/low-emission vehicles
-Access to Public transportation by the Bentley shuttle bus and MBTA buses
-At least 20% of construction materials include recycled content
-At least 20% of construction materials are sourced locally, meaning within 500 miles of the campus
-At least 50% of wood used in the building is Forest Steward Council certified (sustainable forestry practices)
The arena is the first LEED-certified building on the Bentley campus, and by opening this new arena, it helps to set a new standard for sustainable design of ice arenas, and hopefully Bentley University and other schools in Massachusetts will continue in this direction.
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