Green Building Community

Video: Common Sense Dos and Don'ts for Dealing with COVID-19 and Indoor Air Quality in Your Homes and Workplace

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Posted by: Rate It Green Team

Matt Hoots of Sawhorse Design, Inc. has created a video explaining some of the most important factors we should consider in managing cleaning, disinfecting and general safety as we spend more time at home and slow or close office building occupancy:

"COMMON SENSE Dos and Don'ts To Protect Your Home and Office from COVID-19"


If you prefer to learn reading, check out Matt's Dos and Don'ts article on Rate It Green, or read Matt's blog on


Matt is a licensed contractor with a focus on high performance and healthy buildings.  His company, SawHorse, Inc. has completed hundreds of home performance assessments in the Atlanta area and has renovated hundreds of homes using our building science expertise. Even with decades of experience, there is still much to learn. Note that information will continue to evolve over time as we learn about Covid-19.  



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