Green Building Community
Water Sensors Can Help Save $$ - Sensor Industries
Posted by: samanthaklein // Intern
Using water efficiently and avoiding waste should be a top priority for green builders, and all builders. Since water is a finite resource, it is essential to ensure that we have an adequate supply today and in the future.
Leaks and flooding are inevitable in any multi-use property. A solution in mitigating the cost and damage of these unfortunate events is to install sensor monitoring systems that give real-time alerts about water leaks. Richard Lohrey, Marketing Director of Sensor Industries, describes the importance of implementing water sensors into property equipment and piping. Since toilets are the primary water waste culprit in multi-use commercial buildings, the toilet sensors are of course a top recommendation. According to Richard, “20% of all toilets leak.” Slow leaks waste 200-250 gallons per day, and major flapper leaks can waste up to 5,000 gallons per day. Not only do these leaks result in a pure waste of water, but they also add up to a major financial burden.
The Sensor Industries system monitors measure water activity and, using smart technology, sends alerts to property owners or maintenance managers when abnormal levels arise. The system also produces a virtual work order, which is sent out to the maintenance task force. The report prioritizes leaks by size if there are multiple leaks. Sysrem reporting is also a key management tool. Sensor Industries generates a summarized performance chart. With each leak, stakeholders can view when the leak started, when the facilities manager was notified, and when the leak was resolved. This information is critical for gaining an understanding of the total time and cost incurred to settle the issue. All of these system elements together combine to help owners save water, expand net operating income, and increase property equity value.
The opportunity cost of operating without this equipment and information can be significant, even catastrophic. The average flood claim is $20,000 - $60,000, and high-rise water damage events can cost up to $1 million to repair! Insurance companies may resist settling a claim or continuting to provide insurance even if multiple leaks and floods have occurred within the same property.
A case study by an apartment complex in Columbus, Ohio reports an annual savings of $87,492 after a one-time investment with Sensor Industries and an annual service fee of under $7500. There has been a 33% reduction in leaks within the property. ROI for this project was achieved in 5 months.
Sensor Industries is aiming to save 10 billion gallons of water in 2022. For more information about Sensor Industries and the Columbus case study, watch the video and visit this introductory article written by Richard Lohrey.
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