
    Webinar: The Sustainable Lifestyle - Defined and Explained, 2/21, 10 - 11am PST, sponsored by Columbia University

  • 21 Feb 2017
Webinar: The Sustainable Lifestyle - Defined and Explained, 2/21, 10 - 11am PST, sponsored by Columbia University
Event Description

Webinar: The Sustainable Lifestyle - Defined and Explained,
Tuesday, February 21,
10am - 11am PST
Sponsored by: The Earth Institute, Columbia University

This webinar will define and explain the sustainable urban lifestyle that can be achieved in the sustainable city. Cities provide the dynamic, social and ever-changing environment that people thrive on. We want to be part of the center of activity, to feel that we “belong” and yet that we are still distinctive. It is in the world’s cities that human potential can be realized -- we just need to make sure we don’t destroy the planet while we explore that potential. The sustainable city involves a sustainable lifestyle and a transformation from the consumer society to something else. This webinar will discuss: the changing nature of consumption; fitness and wellness; lifelong learning; the importance of place; the changing nature of work; and the connected world culture. Consumption becomes more oriented toward services, entertainment, travel and experiences and less to possessing manufactured products. Such products become commodities in the sustainable city, providing the necessities of life, but no longer serving as self-justifying goals. Culture and values are far more powerful forces of social change and consumption patterns than regulation.

Participants will:
Gain insight into reurbanization trends across the United States
Develop an understanding of sustainable consumption and the sustainable lifestyle
Learn about the causes and impacts of the sharing economy
Uncover the latest trends in cities around the world related to work, health, education and lifestyle
Learn about the social context of sustainability, and the role of culture and values.

About the Speaker:
Dr. Steven Cohen is the Executive Director of Columbia University’s Earth Institute and a Professor in the Practice of Public Affairs at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. He is also Director of the Master of Public Administration Program in Environmental Science and Policy at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, Director of the Masters of Science in Sustainability Management at Columbia University’s School of Continuing Education, and the Director of the Research Program on Sustainability Policy and Management.

For more information and to register for the webinar, please visit:

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