Green Building Community
Brazil - Net Zero Evolution
Posted by: Suelen Ribeiro // Architect/ LEED GA

The first initiative to promote energy efficiency in Brazil was in 2001 when the government created a law, which improved the national program to save energy. In 2003 that program launch a plan for energy efficiency building. In 2007 came the first certificated LEED Building but just in 2009 they created the energy efficiency labeling system. Moreover, in 2013 the number of certificated LEED building increased 51%, according to Felipe Faria, Managing Director of Green Building Council Brazil (GBCB).
Nowadays the zero energy is growing up and being stronger each day. People and industries are thinking about sustainability and the importance to save energy. With this, Brazil is in the 4th place between the nations that concentrate on building based on environmentally sound criteria, only behind U.S., China and Emirates Arabs. In addition, Brazil became the 2nd nation with the highest number of LEED certified sports building.
Entrepreneurs and builders are prioritizing green buildings even more. The adaptation and understanding about LEED buildings are in evolution process in Brazil but it is reaching satisfactory results. The GBCB and also LEED Association are instructing professionals to design buildings following certified LEED rules and giving as much information as necessary to create new green buildings.
The past several years have shown that Brazil is on track to become a global leader in energy efficiency. The country's plan for the future is to transform the urban structural landscape, while making changes that contribute to social and environmental improvements.
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