
    "Challenges for the New President" - Harvard University Center for the Environment - Tuesday, November 15- 5pm

  • 15 Nov 2016
"Challenges for the New President" - Harvard University Center for the Environment - Tuesday, November 15- 5pm
Event Description

The Harvard University Center for the Environment presents a special lecture:
"Challenges for the New President"

Bob Perciasepe
President, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES)
Tuesday, November 15- 5pm

Tsai Auditorium, CGIS South S010
1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge

Bob Perciasepe is President of the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES), which is widely recognized in the United States and internationally as a leading, independent voice for practical policy and action to address the twin challenges of energy and climate change. Perciasepe has been an environmental policy leader in and outside government for more than 30 years, most recently as Deputy Administrator of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). He is a respected expert on environmental stewardship, natural resource management, and public policy, and has built a reputation for bringing stakeholders together to solve issues.

Laura Hanrahan
Communications Coordinator
Harvard University Center for the Environment
(617) 495-3039

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