
    December Bridge to 2030 Meeting, Green Building Alliance, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, December 13, 8:30-10:30 am

  • 13 December 2022
  • Start time : 08:30 AM
  • End time : 10:30 AM
  • Event Host : Green Building Alliance (GBA)
  • Event Location : Energy Innovation Center, 1435 Bedford Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15219, United States
December Bridge to 2030 Meeting, GBA
Event Description

Breakfast begins at 8:30 am, followed by the program at 9 am.  

Topics Include: 

  • Investment Grade Energy Audit Case Study – Tony Young, Carnegie Museums

    IGAs are the most comprehensive of all audits. They review all financial aspects and return on investment from the energy savings of possible projects or retrofits proposed. IGAs give facility directors comprehensive reports to make the most informed decisions about their building.
  • Building Envelope Commissioning & Energy Reductions – Rob Hosken, Building Performance Architecture

    What’s one of the most common elements of high performing and Net Zero Energy buildings? Hint! A tight building envelope! A building envelope – the shell of the building which separates the inside and outside – is essential to high performance. Buildings with tight envelopes have limited air leakage and therefore maintain conditioned air much longer than those who don’t. Rob will go over building envelope commissioning for existing buildings and how to identify and reduce air leakages that contribute to poor energy performance.

About the 2030 Districts:

The 2030 Districts Network connects 22 Established and two Emerging Districts around the world. The vision of the 2030 Districts Network is to establish a global network of thriving high performance building districts and cities, uniting communities to catalyze transformation in the built environment and the role it plays in mitigating and adapting to climate change.  Each District commits to meeting 50% reductions in energy, water and transportation related emissions as established by Architecture 2030 in its 2030 Challenge for Planning

Founded in 2012, Pittsburgh represents 17% of all committed square feet in North America, including Philadelphia, Seattle, and Toronto. The Pittsburgh 2030 District frequently advises cities pursuing building performance programs, and maintains a leadership position within the Network.  In 2019, Green Building Alliance launched the Erie 2030 District. Today, this district includes 17 Property Partners spanning public and private organizations that make up over 130 buildings.


About Green Building Alliance (GBA):

Green Building Alliance (GBA) is one of the oldest regional green building organizations in the United States, serving Pittsburgh and the 26 counties of Western Pennsylvania, and beyond. GBA's vision is that every building and community is sustainable so that every person can thrive. GBA, works with businesses, schools, and entire communities to create spaces where people live, work, and learn that are as healthy for people as they are for the environment.


  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • Green Building Alliance (GBA)
  • Cost
    • $0, 2030 District Partners
      $10, GBA Members
      $20, Non-Members
  • Event type
    • Meeting

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