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Free Webinar: A-B-C-Decarb for Schools - Plan, Fund, and Succeed, April 22, 9 - 11:30 am PT
Event Description
Join experts from SCE, NBI, NAESCO nd practitioners form the fild for a hands-on workshop on operational decarbonization and net-zero schools. Gain insights, tools, and funding strategies. Free for school district staff.
Explore operational decarbonization, dispel myths, and showcase successful net-zero energy school projects. Gain insights, inspiration, and practical tools to accelerate progress toward your school’s net-zero goals. This half-day workshop offers current school district staff, practitioners, and supporters the opportunity to review and discuss specific tools to plan for decarbonization. Attendees will interact and learn from each other through conversation, engage in a series of hands-on activities to utilize the tools described in the session and identify funding pathways for implementation.
Amy Discher, Sr. Advisor – Reach Codes, Southern California Edison
Timothy Unruh, Executive Director, National Association of Energy Service Companies
Shannon Oliver, Senior Project Manager, New Buildings Institute
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