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Free Webinar: All About the Energy Rating Index (ERI), January 10, 12-1pm EST
Event Description
What is your goal?
Whether you are trying to make your project more energy efficient, meet or beat building code, achieve Energy Star or a green building certification, or get Inflation Reduction Act funds, the Energy Rating Index (ERI) is the way to do it!
You may be most familiar with the RESNET HERS Index but aren't familiar with the public standard from which its calculations are derived - ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301, so GreenHome Institute will discuss the difference.
Finally, GreenHome Institute will go over how to access ERI resources such as trained verifiers and modeling tools so you can make more informed decisions.
Continuing Education Units (CEUS) submitted 1 hour in*
- Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI)
- Building Performance Institute (BPI) NonWholeHouse
- Submitted for American Institute of Architects - AIA (HSW)
- Certified Green Professional (NARI & CGP)
- Certified GreenHome Professional (CGHP) Pillar(s): Energy, Health, Materials, Water, Place
- American Institute of Building Designers (AIBD)
- State Architect / Builder License may be applicable
- Building Science Institute (BSI) Verifier
- Passive House Consultant US (CPHC)
Lessons Learned
1) Understand what the Energy Rating Index is and how it benefits the welfare of project design and construction.
2) Know the different versions and revisions of the 301 standard
3) Review the Energy Rating Index and its applications for healthy energy, efficient home design
4) Articulate sustainable home and tax credit programs the ERI helps achieve at certain thresholds.
Erik Straite is the product manager at HouseRater, the EPA- and DOE-approved software tool for calculating the ENERGY STAR and ZERH Energy Rating Index and targets for the Building Science Institute, an EPA- and DOE-approve Home Certification Organization.
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