
    Free Webinar: How to get the Inflation Reduction Act 179D $5/SqF Deduction, March 26, 12-1 pm ET

  • 26 March 2025
  • Start time : 12:00 PM
  • End time : 01:00 PM
  • Event Host : GreenHome Institute (GHI)
Free GHi Webinar: How to get the Inflation Reduction Act 179D $5/SqF Deduction
Event Description

The 179D Tax Deduction is a great way to help fund multifamily and commercial renovations and new construction projects by giving up to $5 per square foot for energy conservation. The deduction has been around since 2005 but has seen some large changes in recent years.

This is an introductory webinar; GHI's expert speaker will discuss the background of this powerful green building deduction and the recent changes created by the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. The alternative qualification path known as the Retrofit Program will be discussed, as well as what this new path means for building owners and designers of buildings. The role Davis Bacon's wages play in this for fair worker wages will also be reviewed. Bonus: The first 10 minutes of this session will include a brief update on where we stand with Inflation Reduction Act Resources available to the residential construction and home improvement sector given by Stephen Naimoli of Atlas Public Policy.

Lessons Learned:

1. Understand the importance of energy-efficient renovations in Multifamily, Commercial and Mixed-Use buildings to promote healthier indoor environments for occupants.

2. Analyze the safety implications of the 179D Tax Deduction in incentivizing the use of sustainable materials and practices that reduce hazards during construction.

3. Introduce the energy modeling calculations needed to obtain the tax credit

4. Articulate how the 179D deduction not only supports energy conservation but also enhances community welfare through fairer wages to workers on projects

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • GreenHome Institute (GHI)
  • Speakers / Presenters
    • Jillian Jones

      Jillian has over a decade of unique experience and has a diverse background in the real estate industry, construction, and tax planning. She has successfully delivered extensive benefits to commercial building owners, Architects, Engineers, and Contractors through the implementation of the §179D Tax Deductions, 45L Tax Credits, and many other federal tax incentives.
  • Cost
    • FREE Event
      Registration is free, but donations are welcome, and are suggested for CEUs.
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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