
    Grid Modernization Forum, May 20-22, Chicago, IL

  • 20 May 2019 To 22 May 2019
  • Event Host : Smart Grid Observer
  • Event Location : Chicago Conference Center, 205 W Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL, 60605, United States
Grid Modernization
Event Description

The 4th Annual Grid Modernization Forum, May 20-22, 2019 in Chicago, closely examines lessons learned to date by industry leaders pushing the fronters of grid modernization and reliability. As in previous editions, key technology innovators and executives will come together to share perspectives on how best to leverage smart grid investment, effectively engage customers, and meet the challenges of the changing energy ecosystem.

Case studies of improved network performance, resiliency, outage restoration, and distributed energy resource (DER) integration will be examined with an eye toward determining best practices and evaluating technology advances for possible implementation. As in prior years, this is a unique opportunity to network with top industry professionals who are leading the way toward effective grid modernization and the integrated, interoperable, resilient energy network of tomorrow. 

Topics to be Addressed Include:

Evaluating and deploying emerging technologies
Managing and integrating distributed energy resources
Energy storage advances for improved grid performance and flexibility
Achieving the end-to-end Digital Utility vision
Best practices and strategies for enhancing grid responsiveness and reliability
Blockchain applications for the energy industry
Advanced communications networks for next-gen services and apps
Network architectures for the evolving energy ecosystem
Advanced grid sensing, measurement and control technologies
Enabling consumer choice while controlling costs and enhancing efficiency
Microgrids as a strategy for utilities and C&I customers going forward
Cybersecurity challenges and real-time response to disruptions
Design and grid modeling tools
Transactive Energy and other models for next-gen services
Potential changes to existing regulatory models
Vehicle-to-grid and other key EV developments
De-carbonizing the network and integrating carbon pricing into market structures

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • Smart Grid Observer
  • Event type
    • Conference

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