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High Rise / Low Carbon: Multifamily Deep Retrofits, March 12, New York, NY
Event Description
Join Building Energy Exchange, Level Infrastructure, and Sustainable Energy Partnerships for a presentation and panel discussion on the findings from Building Energy Exchange's latest report, High Rise | Low Carbon Multifamily, sponsored by NYSERDA. This comprehensive report examined the challenges and opportunities for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in tall residential buildings, which represent a significant portion of New York City’s emissions. Drawing on global case studies, the report showcased replicable deep retrofits that have achieved emissions reductions in line with the carbon limits imposed by Local Law 97.
The report survey profiled a diverse set of fourteen multifamily buildings that undertook a deep retrofit resulting in significant energy reduction—an average of 33% reduction in their site EUI. Featured success stories that will be explored in our presentation include Ken Soble Tower (100% affordable/rental), Gateway Plaza (15% affordable/rental), Polyclinic Apartments (100% affordable/rental), and Moulins de la Pointe (100% affordable/condo). Learn more about these building profiles, case studies and resulting conclusions by reading the full report.
Following this deep-dive presentation, a panel of industry experts will further explore and reflect on the strategies, technologies, and lessons learned from these deep energy retrofits, offering valuable insights for multifamily building stakeholders navigating the path to decarbonization before transitioning to a live audience Q&A.
With New York’s climate regulations becoming more and more stringent, this event will provide critical knowledge to help decision-makers reduce carbon emissions and ensure that tall multifamily buildings contribute to the City’s climate goals.
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