Green Building Community
Job opportunities with PHIUS, Chicago, Illinois
Posted by: Kalyani.rc // Passive House / Sustainability Enthusiast

It’s an exciting time at PHIUS! We’re seeing a rapid uptake of the PHIUS+ 2015 Passive Building standard, and growing participation in our professional and product certification programs as well. There’s been a terrific upsurge in project certifications across an increasingly broad array of locales and building typologies. More and more policymakers around the US (and beyond) are writing PHIUS+ 2015 into their programming. With all of this growth, we could use some help! As the leader in North American passive building development, PHIUS is creating and offering unrivaled opportunities in the field. We’re very pleased to be able to announce that the following positions are now available. Please be sure to share with your networks and spread the word!
1. PHIUS+ Certification Team Member
We are seeking a talented individual who can support the growth and success of the passive building movement by joining the PHIUS+ certification team.
The certification team member position will entail a diverse workload including but not limited to the review of a wide variety of PHIUS+ projects of all building typologies throughout all climates. The position will report to the certification manager of PHIUS but will be expected to work independently to achieve goals and targets. The position would ideally be Chicago-based, however, could be located elsewhere for a candidate with the right fit and after having been trained in the Chicago office for at least three months.
2. WUFI® Passive Plug-In Development Intern
The Fraunhofer Institute of Building Physics (IBP) is seeking a talented individual to develop and implement a plug-in for data exchange between Autodesk® Revit® and the building simulation software WUFI® Passive.
The position will work with, report to, and be supervised by the Department of Hygrothermics at Fraunhofer IBP, an Institute of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft in Germany, but will be located at the PHIUS office in Chicago, IL. The position is unpaid and offers the ideal opportunity for a student to participate in an interesting research project and build upon existing abilities to develop new expertise.
3. PHIUS Communications Intern
We are seeking a talented individual who can support the growth and success of the passive building movement by joining the PHIUS communications team.
This position will entail reporting to and supporting our Communications Manager in projects including, but not limited to: assisting in marketing and organizing the annual conference, soliciting and scheduling webinars, coming up with blog ideas, assembling newsletters, maintaining social media accounts and more. This is a 30hr/week position based in Chicago.
For more information and to apply for these positions, please visit:
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