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NESEA Pro Green Building Tour, Net-Zero Living: Two Coastal Connecticut Homes, August 3, Mystic and Pawcatuck, CT
Event Description
BuildingEnergy Pro Tours are accredited, half-day tours of high performance buildings all over the Northeast. These events are led by members of the project teams behind them, concluding with a reception and workshop or Q&A session. Pro Tours are an opportunity for sustainable building professionals to get to see projects in progress with their own eyes, share their knowledge and learn from their colleagues.
Pro Tours are always held on a Friday, from 1-5 PM. The cost to attend a Pro Tour is $25 for NESEA members, and $35 for non-members, and proceeds support NESEA programming.
Site 1 Details
Units: 1
Square Footage: 2,060
Type of construction: New
HERS score of -22
R-45 Walls: 12” Double-stud walls filled with dense pack cellulose
10 kw photovoltaic array offsets 100% of energy demand
Site 2 Details
Units: 1
Square Footage: House = 1,850 SF, Studios = 1,100 SF
Type of construction: New - still under construction
Anticipated ratings include: PHI Passive House, LEED Gold, & Energy Star
24 panel photovoltaic array will offset 100% of onsite energy demand
18” thick exterior double-wall assembly filled with dense pack cellulose
Doors open, registration, networking and coffee
1:00 PM
Welcome by NESEA
1:05 PM
Overview of the projects by the hosts
2:00 PM
Tour of first site begins; attendees rotate through content-specific stations
3:00 PM
Group travels to second project site
3:15 PM
Tour of second site begins; attendees rotate through content-specific stations
4:15 PM
Group Reconvenes back at initial meeting point
4:20 PM
Reception with light refreshments
4:30 PM
Q&A Panel with members of project teams
5:00 PM
Event Concludes
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