Green Building Community
New York Approves Largest United States Offshore Wind Farm
Posted by: ChristinaC // Marketing Student

New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo, has approved the largest U.S. offshore wind farm, which will be built off of Long Island. It will generate enough electricity to power over 50,000 homes on Long Island's South Fork. The South Fork Wind Farm will be made up of 15 wind turbines (3x the size of the first current offshore wind farm in RI) with 90 megawatts (MW) capacity each. The project is still undergoing some of the permitting processes, but construction could start in as little as two years and it may be operational by 2022.
This NY wind farm is only phase one of a greater offshore wind energy plan in that area. Governor Cuomo and the state ultimately want to develop 1,000 MW's (1 Gigawatt) of offshore wind power. By 2030, the goal is to have NY get 50 percent of its energy from renewable sources.
South Fork Wind Farm will be owned by Deepwater Wind company, which is based out of Providence, RI and is owner of the Block Island Wind Farm. They have proposed other offshore wind projects near the South Fork Wind Farm, which still need approval of Long Island Power Authority. If successful in passing it would also bring an additional 210 MW of wind power to Long Island. Expect to see more projects similar to this one rising up in the next 10 years. With the success of RI's Block Island Farm, offshore wind energy is running and ready to make a difference for the United States future and renewable energy.
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