
    Reducing Polluted Stormwater Runoff in Boston Rivers: “Residual Designation Authority,” Online, March 11, 11:45am - 1:15pm ET

  • 11 March 2025
  • Start time : 11:45 AM
  • End time : 01:15 PM
  • Event Host : Environmental Building Council of New England (EBCNE)
Reducing Polluted Stormwater Runoff in Boston Rivers, EBC, March 11, 2025
Event Description

The U.S. EPA has proposed a new stormwater permit and is accepting public comments until March 17. This permit would apply to privately-owned industrial, commercial, and institutional properties in the Charles, Mystic, and Neponset River watersheds that have one or more acres of impervious surfaces such as parking lots and roofs. The purpose of this permit is to significantly reduce nutrient and bacterial pollution by, for the first time, requiring mitigation for existing properties.

During this EBC Membership Webinar, attendees will hear from watershed association representatives about why they believe this new permit is essential for cleaner rivers, and from industry experts about options for compliance, including both gray and green infrastructure solutions.

The webinar will conclude with audience Q & A with the program speakers.

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • Environmental Building Council of New England (EBCNE)
  • Agenda
    • Charles River Watershed Association – Legal Basis for RDA; Status of That Dirty Water

      Heather Miller, Esq., General Counsel, Charles River Watershed Association
      Max Rome, Ph.D, Senior Stormwater Program Manager, Charles River Watershed Association
      Managing Stormwater on Commercial & Industrial Properties

      Elizabeth Scott, Southeast New England Program Network Liaison for RI & Principal, Elizabeth Scott Consulting
      Anna Keimel-Fitzsimmons, Stormwater – Water Quality Professional, VHB

      Audience Q & A


      Zach Henderson, Stormwater Practice Leader, Woodard & Curran
      Program Chair

      Emily Norton, Executive Director, Charles River Watershed Association
  • Cost
    • EBC Member Registration Rate: Complimentary
      Non-Member Registration Rate: $30
      Government/Nonprofit: Complimentary
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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