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The Cornerstones Of Thermal Comfort: High Performance Windows – EMU, Free & Online, February 24, 12 - 1 pm
Event Description
Windows and exterior doors play a key role in the success of any project. They open up the building to daylight and exterior views, and allow for natural ventilation. They are a key factor in a building energy balance, and can provide free heating via passive solar gains. They are also one of the most expensive line items on a project budget, and can cause serious problems if not chosen wisely, or installed poorly. Many associate windows with water leaks, condensation, and install issues. In high performance construction and Passive House, the list of risks grows further and includes air leaks, overheating, wrong selection of key components (e.g. glass spacers and low-e coatings, to name a couple), and of course over-spending. This presentation illustrates climate-specific goals and solutions in selecting the right package for windows and exterior doors. Different products are compared in terms of performance and cost-effectiveness, and best practices for install details are illustrated side by side with their energy analysis.
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